The Benefits of Music on Our Brains
Five years ago I took up piano lessons. As a child I took lessons for a few years, but regret letting it go when given the choice (my...
Hospice and End of Life Care from a Naturopathic Perspective
Naturopathic physicians across the country, including right here in Portland, are supporting patients at the end of life. I was recently...
How do naturopathic doctors prevent cognitive decline?
Preventing cognitive decline is on everyone's minds. The Institute of Natural Medicine (INM) and the American Association of Naturopathic...
Coming Home: Craniosacral Therapy
I was recently invited by Moving Mountain Institute to write a guest blog post. What an honor to be invited to participate in this new...
Nettles - the harvest
Spring is a time of year when we get to harvest some of our own food from the fruitful forests of the Northwest. We love this process!...
Stories from Dolpo: Bearing Witness
I have already shared photos of Lake Phoksundo with it's unreal color and incredible legend. I share it again here to start the story of...
Stories from Dolpo: A Blessing
Dung is life. Yak dung that is. At the highest elevations there are no trees that grow, and what was there as far as other plant life has...
My time with the Nepal Nomad Clinic...
Namaste! My time with the Nomad Clinic was a profound time of service, travel and community building. It is difficult to put into words...
My Medical Service Trek in Nepal
This fall I will be joining the Nomads Clinic in Nepal for a medical service trek. I am full of gratitude for this opportunity to visit...
It's never too late for YOGA
My dear friend forwarded me this article about an 85 year old woman who started doing yoga, and how it changed her life. She went from...